Stacks Squares Round Video Re-cap
Cafe Exhibition - January 2025
Carroll Street Cafe
208 Carroll St Atlanta GA 30312
Sarah Al-Khayyal -
Vanna Black -
Austin Blue -
Julio Ceballos -
Helen Choi -
John Dirga -
Matthew Evans -
Larkin Ford -
Kay Hagler -
Charity Hamidullah -
Dian Huff -
Claude-Girard Jean -
Angie Jerez -
Nicole Merizalde -
Cameron Moore -
Pam Peacock -
Ryshu -
Aliya Smith -
Anne Stuhler -
Richard Wilson -
for purchasing information, please contact:
John Dirga 404-222-0644
ROUND #15 with
Guest Curator Vanna Black
Interview: Rough Draft ATL
Frankie K. Laguna @fkl.designs with Killamari @thekillamari
Tiny Kaiju @tinykaijuatl with Paper Frank @paperfrank
Dear Alphabet @dearalphabet with Courtney Hicks @courtney.e.hicks
Zalde Paints @zaldepaints with Nick Turbo @nick_turbo_art
Malachi @artofmalachi with Chris Alvarez @pitoto.alvarez
Kasuay @kusayduzit with Helen Choi
Raz City @razcity1 with OOFSTER @oofster
Christina Ward @xtinapaintsatl with Pam Peacock @thevoyagerpeacock
Daniel Curran @danielcurranart with Ryshu @ryshu
Cutesturbing @cutesturbing with Doit doit league! @doitdoitleague
Stacks Squares Mural Project, "The Corner Office"
Retrospective Gallery Show
March 28th - May 19th
SATURDAY MAY 11th, 12:30pm-1:30pm
Curators: Angie Jerez, Austin Blue, & John Dirga
plus Special Guests
Atlanta Contemporary
535 Means St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
Join us for “The Corner Office”, with Stacks Squares in Contemporary On-Site. At the March 28th opening, visitors were invited to view the exhibition while enjoying the outdoor bar and visiting the chalk muralists as they completed their pieces in the Pavilion. (photos soon!)
The Artist Talk will feature Curators and participating artists speaking about their work
Stacks Squares is proud to be selected for Atlanta Contemporary’s On-Site Gallery, and thrilled to provide insight in our process: a site-specific mural installation on Carroll Street rotating three times per year. Ten individual 7’x7’ architectural features host continual renewal, with a broad range of cultural backgrounds and diverse talent from first time painters to professional muralists. Participants work next to each other, learning and mentoring, collaborating and celebrating the ephemeral cycle of creation and destruction. Each new round features new original work, with Guest Curators selecting from a diverse pool of applicants.
Admission is always free.
Atlanta Contemporary is located at 535 Means Street, Atlanta, GA 30318.
Parking is free in the lot at Bankhead & Means Street (Google Maps Location). You can access the lot via Bankhead Avenue and proceed past the parking attendant booth.

Atlanta Contemporary
535 Means St NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
with the Lotus Eaters Club!

Applications open all year
Art rotates: April, August, & December

Guest Curator
Angie Jerez @_angiejerez
Bird Harris @heatherbirdharris
Jaliyah Brantley @jbrant28
Kelly Breedlove @breedloveartist
Larkin Ford @larkinford
Nada Osman @nada.dwg
Reggie Griffin @royal_light04
Sarah Al-Khayyal @studioyateem
Tatiana Bell @pppeeewwweee
Tess Brownson @tessetosha
Victoria Garcia @vlgarcia_
A presentation of @cabbagetownusa Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association & Director @johndirga John Dirga, with support from @tribridgeresidential TriBridge Residential, @thestackslofts The Stacks Lofts COA, and special thanks to @thepatchworkscabbagetown The Patch Works Art & History Center & @samflax Sam Flax Atlanta
Visit this link for our: Open Application
ARCHIVED: Call for Artists (Round 11)
That's right, newbies only... 😎
[archived - old content]
We are proud to welcome Angie Jerez (@_angiejerez) as our Round #11 Guest Curator! Angie is a talented illustrator, amazing artist, wonderful person, and.. she painted her first outdoor mural during Stacks Squares Round One.
It's hard to believe some of our favorite Atlanta creatives made their first mural at Stacks Squares: Angie Jerez, Christina Kwan, Elaine Stephenson, Angela Faustina, Brooke Powell, George F Baker III, plus many more!
Stacks Squares is an open application, available for submissions year round, so if you don't meet the criteria for this rotation, you can still apply for the future. There's never any penalty for multiple submissions. We apologize space is extremely limited. Many artists applied more than once before they were accepted.
DEADLINE: APRIL 23rd 11:59pm
DM @stackssquares or email stackssquares at gmail for any questions, comments, or concerns.
Stacks Squares is currently considering proposals as part of our year-round ongoing Open Application process. Please click the image (above) or use the text link (below) to access the form. You may fill out the form more than once. If you have filled out the application before, and wish the panel to reconsider a previous entry, you are welcome to indicate this in a new application or *email.
*NEW* Stacks Squares is seeking applicants for Guest Curators. Local artists and/or creative visionaries interested in nurturing, steering, or providing guidance for the 2023 mural season are welcome to send qualifications and inquiries for consideration later this year. A small honorarium is provided, courtesy the Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association, Stacks Lofts, and TriBridge Residential.
** Please limit email correspondence as much as possible. We receive a large volume of inquiries, and appreciate your patience and understanding. We are unable to personally respond to every inquiry, but we greatly appreciate your interest and enthusiasm: Click here to send a brief message

**NEW** Sign-up for a relaxing Cabbagetown evening making art with friends and neighbors on Thursday, August 17th as Jamaali Roberts leads Happy Little Clouds, a bad-ass Paint & Sip with the chillest vibes and most mellow music. All paints and supplies included. BYO or enjoy our fancy house selections. $25 *pre-sale* includes canvas! Sign-up now; it costs more at the door:
Limited Tickets / $25 Pre-Sale
Not ready to buy?
RSVP here to hold your spot,
and pay at the door ($35)
We supply all necessary painting equipment. Keep your canvas!
Happy Little Clouds is a relaxing, artist-led experience in the Cabbagetown Community Center (177 Estoria St SE, Atlanta GA 30316). Create at your own pace, doodle around, concentrate on a masterpiece, try new things, show off, or simply sip your drink blissfully whilst the world twirls around.
There is no formal instruction, but the Teaching Artist will offer guidance and tips on a planning activity.
Artists of any level are invited! Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult guardian.
Ask for advice, do your own thing, or share with a friend!
Proceeds from HLC support our arts programming for Stacks Squares Mural Project, including compensation for visiting teaching artists, previous Squares alumni, and our on-going honoraria program. You are free to keep your canvas, or donate it back to the program for auction or re-use. We appreciate your support!
About the instructor: Jamaali Roberts (BFA Painting / Drawing, Pacific Northwest College of Art) is a visual and musical artist. His colorfully lush and illustrative paintings, drawings, and murals investigate the rich, multi-faceted, and diverse experiences of African-Americans. He is especially interested with the patterns of movement and the musical nature of life. Alongside his visual works, Jamaali is an active part of the community sharing African drumming, hosting collaborative drawing events, and directing educational workshops for youth and adults.
December 2022
ROUND 10 ARTISTS (alphabetical)
Leah Abucayan - @hellaleah
Vanna Black - @therealvannablack
Luqman Coffen - @iammonkpanda
Courtney Hicks - @courtney.e.hicks
Jesse Jaeger - @commencejesse
Myke Johnson - @mykejohnson
Darian MacLeod - @6ofpentacles
Arah Kang - @naharahyoh
Tiff Urquhart -
Lanous Wright - @lanous.2xl.tattoos
Installation begins Saturday, December 10th
Follow us on Instagram @stacksquares
LEFT TO RIGHT: 1. Tiff Urquhart 2. Darien MacLeod 3. Luqman Coffen 4. Jesse Jaeger 5. Myke Johnson 6. Leah Abucayan 7. Vanna Black 8. Lanous Wright II 9. Arah Kang 10. Courtney Hicks
Round 10 curated by John Dirga
Stacks Squares, ROUND 9
TRUDY TRAN @art.of.trudy, MATT KETCHUM @bigteeff, BRITT MORGAN @brittmorganart, NICO CATHCART @nicocathcart. TRAVIS SMITH @13_robots, JOHN DIRGA @johndirga, JONNY WARREN @thedoublewolf, DREW BORDERS, ADAM STEPHENSON @tiltandfade, N CARLOS JAY @ncarlosj
101 Carroll Street SE Atlanta GA 30312
* *
Stacks Squares,
Say Their Names
*special encore presentation*
Live Painting - Retrospective Exhibit - Cotton Mill History Tour - Local Foods
*ARCHIVED FROM SEPTEMBER 2021* Join us for Stacks Squares live painting, plus an outdoor retrospective of previous works. RSVP for tours of Fulton Cotton Mill, or visit select restaurants on Carroll Street for special discounts! You can say “I’m visiting for Elevate” for friendly service, but the deals are available for everybody this weekend.
Visitors will enjoy seeing the muralists of Round 8 creating new works on individual 7'x7' architectural squares! Artists include: Nicole Kang Anh, Sophie Brunett, Helen Choi, Hannah Ghafary, Nicole Merizalde, Terion Montgomery, Cameron Moore, Shea O'Connor, Anne Stuhler, and the Artist Seven.
Artists will paint at their own pace, but visitors can catch our hospitality & information staff from 11 to 6pm Saturday & Sunday, September 11th & 12th, 2021. You are also encouraged to walk east on Wylie Street to see the Forward Warrior Murals.
There will also be a special encore presentation of the previous Special Round, "Say Their Names", featuring portraits of ten black lives unjustly ended by police violence. These powerful works will be displayed as a outdoor contemplative walking gallery across the length of Carroll Street in a series of large format banners. Portrait artists are: Charity Hamidullah , Sachi Rome , Austin Blue , @sofahood and C Flux Sing
History of Race Relations and Integration at Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills
Friday through Sunday, the Patch Works Art & History Center will be conducting guided tours of Fulton Cotton Mill with a special focus on race relations and labor disputes in the early 1900's. There are two tours day, 12pm & 3pm. Discount tickets for Elevate. For more information, please visit or call 404-806-7288
Watch the new installation, walk down the street for a view of previous work, and enjoy exclusive Elevate deals at these participating locations: Jen Chan's (186 Carroll St) Taco Specials. & Little's Food Store (198 Carroll St, since 1929!) "Best in Atlanta" Burger Basket.
@jenchansdeliverysupperclub - @littlesfoodstore/
@thepatchworkscabbagetown/ - @cabbagetownusa
for more information:
Encore Installation: During Elevate 2020, we reimaginde the Stacks Squares installation, “SAY THEIR NAMES”, all the way down Carroll Street into the Cabbagetown business district. This special outdoor walking exhibit was made possible through the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs.
Squares artists talk about their portraits and the lives they represent
FROM THE CURATOR: For this round of Stacks Squares I found it important to take the opportunity to use this platform to further awareness of a problem that our country has been historically plagued with: police brutality and its effect on the black community. This round’s theme is #saytheirnames, with colorful portraits memorializing some of the many lives that have been lost to the hands of police brutality, to no justice. The goal is to humanize these victims and shed light on the need for police reform and accountability.
The portraits painted will be of : Aiyana Jones, Rayshard Brooks, Kathryn Johnston, Daniel Prude, Janisha Fonville, Elijah Mcclain, Bettie Jones, Korryn Gaines, Alton Sterling and Atatiana Jefferson. These people will be painted by our talented roster of artists: @charitymadeit , @sachistudioart , @proper_blue , @sofahood and @cfluxsing
Special thanks to our Round 7 sponsor @powerhauscreative for believing in our vision!
#saytheirnames #stackssquares

Fulton County Arts & Culture, ATL1000, PowerHaus Creative, Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs
The Stacks Squares Mural Project
The Stacks Squares Mural Project is a rotating mural project. Rounds 1-9 were curated by artist Austin “Blue” Richardson. We are currently seeking Guest Curators!
Located on the corner of Carroll Street & Tennelle Street (near Wylie Street) under the Fulton Cotton Mill / H Building, each round consists of 10 artists painting a 7’x7’ framed square. Under normal conditions, the exhibit changes two to three times a year (Spring, Summer, Autumn) and features a mixture of established professional artists alongside amateurs, new painters, & emerging talent.
Program Director John Dirga created the project in 2017 after recognizing a need to increase access to participation in the neighborhood’s robust mural programming. The original concept was meant to stay fresh, change fast, and involve both new and established artists. Blue was recognized for his talents and selected to curate the project at launch.
Murals had appeared on this site previously, but more the space had been buffed beige for several years. Stacks Squares was envisioned as a place for people perhaps not quite ready for prime time, but also as an easy spot for professionals to knock out quick pieces without lifts, ladders, or scaffolding. The key to this location is accessibility, and the opportunity for collaboration, mentoring, and community building. After receiving broad support from the neighborhood organization and permission from the property owner, Blue was handpicked for his creativity, painting skills, and knowledge, plus his proven dedication to equity in public art. He has selected & managed artists for seven consecutive rotations, with over 70 participants from a variety of backgrounds.
Stacks Squares is sponsored by Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association (CNIA) with the cooperation of The Stacks Loft Condo Owners Association, with further assistance by the rental manager, TriBridge Residential.
The application for painting with Stacks Squares is open to public. There is limited space and we apologize that we cannot reply to every inquiry. Special consideration is given to people with a connection to the community. All levels of talent are accepted, and we enjoy showcasing a mixture of experience*. We provide art supplies, meal coupons, gift cards, and small honoraria as available. Thank you for your interest.
For more information, please contact:
* Please consider filling out a new application if you have applied before, but now have more recent work to share. There is no penalty for submitting more than one application. You may also click “Sign Up” on our old FB page,
Special thanks to the Stacks Lofts at Fulton Cotton Mill