Volunteering in Cabbagetown

Lots of upcoming stuff including exciting events, park improvements and bike/ped safety initiatives! Volunteering is a great opportunity to meet neighbors, and make a positive impact at home. Non-residents welcome too!

Got your own ideas? Let’s talk about starting a new project, or forming a subcommittee to identify resources.

You can usually find your project on this general volunteer form. If we haven’t created time slots yet, please sign up and tell us your preferences. Someone will send you an email! THANKS!


Sign Up!

Sign up online, or email us: info@cabbagetown.com

Featured Project:
Saturday July 13th, 2024

YES! Get your old bluejeans on, we’ve got the rollers. Volunteers will have a blast this month freshening up the Meeting Hall and Entrance of Cabbagetown Community Center with a crispy coat of paint. Give an hour of your time and receive our eternal gratitude. SATURDAY JULY 13th, 10am – 4pm (2hr shifts)

Service to others is a rewarding path for those seeking enlightenment, but we also accept cash: DONATIONS

Sign Up!

WE’RE FLEXIBLE! Any effort is helpful. We appreciate our neighborhood volunteers, and respect your valuable time. There are so many fun events to participate as a neighbor, you’ll forget why you didn’t sign up before. Busy, and you’re only free for an hour? Totally cool. All day? Let’s do it! The sign-up form has a convenient comment box for your preferred schedule. This isn’t carved in stone. Mostly, this page is all about collecting names and email addresses so we can put y’all in touch with the Project Manager. :)

Additional questions? Email: info@cabbagetown.com


Other events:


Forward Warrior Mural Project
September 14th, 2024

Sign-up for the event, or can get involved year-round with the Wall Committee! Also available: INTERNSHIPS

More info: cabbagetown.com/forwardwarrior
or email us

Hospitality volunteers are stationed in the Chill Zone, Artist Relations walks around as street team, & Worker Bee is a hybrid, general helper!


SIGN UP for Forward Warrior:

Sign Up!

Can’t volunteer, but still want to help?


donations are tax deductible

April, August, December

Stacks Squares Mural Project
April - August - December

Stacks Squares Mural Project is Cabbagetown’s accessible mural project, featuring new & emerging artists working alongside established & professional artists, creating community and mentoring experiences. ALL ARE WELCOME TO APPLY!

Volunteers will work closely with artists and street-level visitors in an intimate setting that fosters good relationships and outreach opportunities.

More info: cabbagetown.com/squares or email us

Click here to sign up:

Sign Up!

Can’t volunteer, but still want to help?


donations are tax deductible

2023 FW Volunteers!


Details for November 2nd, 2024 will be updated late-Summer! Neighbors looking to join the Host Committee should send email to info@chompandstomp.com

More details:



CONCERT SERIES March - April - May - June, September - October

Cabbagetown Concert Series
Third Thursdays

More info: cabbagetown.com/concerts
or email us

Click the SIGN UP button
for Concert Series:

Sign Up!

Can’t volunteer, but still want to help?


donations are tax deductible

Cabbagetown is home to many volunteer-lead community groups and organizations which contribute generously to help keep the neighborhood an amazing place to live and visit. If you are interested in helping us, please contact info@cabbagetown.com

More information about volunteering
for our mural programs:
Stacks Squares - Forward Warrior

Download WAIVER

Check your project instructions to see if you are required to download and sign a waiver!
In general, this is for larger projects with lots of new folks and visitors.

Big Ideas & Fun Projects

Many of our regular projects have extra opportunities for volunteers! Leadership positions are fun & rewarding, and we’re always look for new people. Please do not hesitate to ask for more information!

August - November: CHOMP & STOMP

How We Work (The CNIA & The CI)

The Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association (CNIA) serves as the democratic, neighbor involvement organization in Cabbagetown. CNIA officers are elected by the neighbors, and CNIA holds monthly public meetings to vote on issues that are relevant to the community. CNIA serves as the neighbors’ voice and connection to the City of Atlanta, and connects Cabbagetown residents with other neighborhoods. Any resident or business owner in Cabbagetown may become a voting member by submitting a free annual membership form.

CNIA publishes the Cabbagetown Neighbor, our local newspaper, and works with the City on zoning, traffic, and livability improvements. CNIA uses some funds to assist in hosting parties for the neighbors like the semiannual Roll Call, welcoming new neighbors, and the annual Holiday Crawl. CNIA sponsors the Chicken Noodle Network (neighbor-in-need), the Tour of Homes & Gardens, and Stacks Squares Mural Project.

The Cabbagetown Initiative Community Development Corporation (CI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that Cabbagetown residents started in 2002 to raise funds to build Cabbagetown Park. The park was established as a public-private partnership. As such, CI currently serves as Cabbagetown’s arm for managing parks and public spaces in Cabbagetown.

Through CNIA, Cabbagetown residents review and vote on CI’s annual budget and elect five of its eleven directors, including the CNIA president who serves ex officio on the board. The CI board elects the remaining six directors. CI also holds monthly public meetings. Although only CI’s board of directors may vote, all neighbors are welcome to attend and participate in discussions.

CI runs the annual Chomp and Stomp Chili Cook-off and Bluegrass Festival to raise funds for its operations. CI spends these funds maintaining Cabbagetown Park, Esther Peachy Lefevre Park, the Wylie Street murals (“Forward, Warrior!!” Mural Project), multiple pocket parks, the Cabbagetown Community Garden and the Cabbagetown Community Center. CI also manages a benevolence fund designated to support long-term residents with emergency home repairs.
