
The Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association

About CNIA

Where and when does CNIA meet?

Cabbagetown Neighborhood Improvement Association (CNIA) meets regularly on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM.

Agendas are posted in advance of each meeting in the monthly Cabbagetown Newsletter and on the Calendar.

Who can be a member of CNIA?

All residents and businesses of Cabbagetown are considered members of CNIA, but a membership form shall be required and filed in advance of voting at any meeting.

In order to be a member, a single page Membership Application form should be filled out and submitted. Dues are no longer required.  The form can be found below, or obtained at the regular monthly meetings.  However, the by-laws provide that the form must be submitted and approved at least one day before voting privileges are granted.

Membership is granted on an annual basis and all memberships expire by the annual meeting in March each year.  You may renew your membership at or before the annual meeting with no loss in voting privileges.

For further information about membership, please see our membership by-laws.

I’d like to help with CNIA leadership. How do I apply?

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact president@cabbagetown.com. Information on the next meeting can be found here: https://cabbagetown.com/agenda

Elections are held in March of each year.  Nominations may be made at the February meeting or from the floor at the March meeting. We are always looking for volunteers to help with our events and activities! Click the link above to become a member and learn about current volunteer opportunities.

Please send any general inquiries to info@cabbagetown.com or fill out the Contact Us Form.

Officers and Committee Chairs – (2024 - 2025)

President – Marinangeles Gutiérrez Rivera

Vice President  – Eric Foley

Secretary – Lucy Perkins

Treasurer – Jack Cunningham

NPU Representative – {open]

Historic Preservation/Land Use Chair — Nina Elsas

Public Safety Chair – Open

Hospitality Chair – Amanda Bisgaard

Newspaper Editor – Kyle F. Bidlack

Communications Team – Hunter Burk

Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee Representative  [open]

Director of Technology –  [open]

Board Members-At-Large  Lisa  Myers  (Chicken Noodle Network)