CNIA Monthly Meeting Agenda & Presenter Notes

This page holds digital copies of the month’s meeting agenda, as well as any documentation materials presented by the Cabbagetown neighbors.

Tuesday, December 10th, 2024 at 7:00pm (ZOOM / IN-PERSON)

Community Center, 177 Estoria St 

6:45 Food & Community
7:00 Meeting Begins 

  1. ATL APD Updates 

  2. November Minutes Approval 

  3. Atlanta City Councilmember Bakhtiari’s Office Update

  4. Treasurer’s Report 

  5. Special Presentation: Policing Alternatives & Diversion Intiative (PAD)

  6. Cabbagetown Initiative Report 

    • Cabbagetown Park - Amphitheater Project

  7. Committee Updates

    • Hospitality Committee

      • Holiday Crawl

    • Transportation Committee

      • ATL Trails Survey and Engagement

    • HPLU

      • ATL Comprehensive Development Plan A

      • Estoria 260 & 262

      • Estoria 141

  8. New Business  

~8:30pm Adjourn

Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 at 7:00pm (ZOOM / IN-PERSON)

Community Center, 177 Estoria St 

6:45 Food & Community
7:00 Meeting Begins 

  1. ATL APD Updates 

  2. October Minutes Approval 

  3. Atlanta City Councilmember Bakhtiari’s Office Update

  4. Treasurer’s Report 

  5. Cabbagetown Initiative Report 

    • Cabbagetown Park - Amphitheater Project

    • Chomp & Stomp Recap

  6. Committee Updates

    • Hospitality Committee

      • Crawl-O-Ween Recap

      • Holiday Crawl Planning

    • Transportation Committee

      • ATL Trails Survey and Engagement

    • HPLU

      • ATL Comprehensive Development Plan A

      • Estoria 260 & 262

      • Estoria 141

  7. New Business  

~8:30pm Adjourn

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 at 7:00pm (ZOOM / IN-PERSON)

Community Center, 177 Estoria St 

6:45 Food & Community
7:00 Meeting Begins 

  1. ATL APD Updates 

  2. September Minutes Approval 

  3. Atlanta City Councilmember Bakhtiari’s Office Update

  4. Treasurer’s Report 

  5. Cabbagetown Initiative Report 

    • Cabbagetown Park - Amphitheater Project, Featuring MRS

    • MRS is the selected firm to lead the project. 

    • Chomp & Stomp

  6. Committee Updates

    • Hospitality Committee

      • Crawl-O-Ween

    • Transportation Committee

      • Pearl Street Traffic Calming Project

      • Wylie Street Tactical Urbanism Effort

    • HPLU

  7. New Business  

~8:30pm Adjourn

September 10th, 2024 at 7:00 PM (ZOOM / IN-PERSON)

Community Center, 177 Estoria St 

6:45 Food & Community
7:00 Meeting Begins

  1. ATL APD Updates

  2. Aug Minutes Approval

  3. Atlanta City Councilmember Bakhtiari’s Office Update

  4. NPU Report

  5. Treasurer’s Report

  6. Cabbagetown Initiative Report

  7. Committee Updates

    • Hospitality Committee

      • Tour of Homes

      • Space Prom

    • Transportation Committee

      • Pearl Street Traffic Calming Project

      • Wylie Street Tactical Urbanism Effort

    • HPLU

  8. New Business

~8:30pm Adjourn

June 11th, 2024 at 7:00 PM (

Review and Approval of April Minutes

  1. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  2. City of Atlanta Council Person - Councilperson Liliana Bakhtiari

  3. Special Presentations:

    1. CDP Plan A / NPU Updates

    2. Atlanta BeltLine

  4. President Report - Eric Foley, VP

  5. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  6. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI) - Brandon Sutton, CI President

    • Transportation Committee - Eric Foley, VP

    • Hospitality Committee - Amanda Bisgaard, Chair

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Anya Warren, Co-Chair
      Falcon Design Building representing 113 Pearl Street - adding a dormer.

  7. New Business

  8. Old Business

May 14th, 2024 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)

Review and Approval of April Minutes

  1. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  2. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  3. Special Presentations:

    1. Fulton County Commissioner Hall, plus select Departments (Senior Services, Arts & Culture, and Tax Commissioner)

    2. Krog Codex: Archiving Krog Street Tunnel

  4. President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

  5. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  6. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Brandon Sutton, CI President

      • Cabbagetown Parks Amphitheater Park Pride Grant & Fundraising Campaign

        • Concert Series May 23rd

      • Community Center Rentals

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Transportation Committee - Eric Foley, VP

    • Hospitality Committee - Amanda Bisgaard, Chair

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

  7. New Business

  8. Old Business

April 09th, 2024 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)

Review and Approval of March Minutes

  1. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  2. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  3. Special Presentation: GDOT Design Review of Memorial Dr.

    1. Cycle Track from Grant to Pearl St.

    2. Road Diet (Two Vehicular Lanes to One Lane)

  4. President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

  5. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  6. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Brandon Sutton, CI President

      • CI Election

      • Cabbagetown Parks Amphitheater Park Pride Grant & Fundraising Campaign

        • Concert Series April 18th

        • Bake Sale & Concert April 20th

      • Community Center Rentals

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

    • Transportation Committee - Eric Foley, VP

      • Wylie Street Traffic Calming Tactical Urbanism project

    • Hospitality Committee - Amanda Bisgaard, Chair

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

  7. New Business

  8. Old Business

March 12th, 2024 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)

Review and Approval of January Minutes

  1. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  2. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

    • Pearl Street Traffic Calming Project Updates

    • City Updates

  3. Vice-President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

    • CNIA Membership Campaign: Annual Elections!

      • Open Positions include Communications Chair, Transportation Committee Chair, Vice President/President, and other Member At-Large positions. 

    • New Neighbor? Get connected, 

  4. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

    • 2024 Annual Budget Presentation

  5. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Todd Gandee, CI President

      • Cabbagetown Parks Amphitheater Park Pride Grant & Fundraising Campaign

        • Park Clean Up March 16th

        • Concert Series March 21st

        • Bake Sale April 20th

      • Community Center Rentals

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

    • Transportation Committee - Marinangeles Gutierrez Rivera, Chair

      • GDOT Memorial Drive Bike Lane Project

    • Hospitality Committee - Amanda Bisgaard, Chair

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

  6. New Business

  7. Old Business

February 13th, 2024 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)

  1. Review and Approval of January Minutes

  2. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  3. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

    • Pearl Street Traffic Calming Project Updates

    • City Updates

  4. Vice-President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

    • CNIA Membership Campaign: Open Positions include Communications Chair, Transportation Committee Chair, Vice President/President, and other Member At-Large positions. 

      • Nominations & March Elections

    • New Neighbor? Get connected, 

  5. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  6. Committee Reports

    • Transportation Committee Updates + GDOT Memorial Drive Bike Lane Project

    • Hospitality Committee - Amanda Bisgaard, Hospitality Chair

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Todd Gandee, CI President

      • CI Updates - Parks & Community Center

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

  7. New Business

  8. Old Business

January 9th, 2024 at 7:00 PM (ZOOM) - LIMITED MEETING
Zoom Special:

  1. Review and Approval of December Minutes

  2. Creative Placemaking Summit by South Arts: Krog Street Tunnel Closure Proposal for March 7th
    - John Dirga, Marina Gutierrez, and the Creative Placemaking Summit Representatives

    • 2 Hour Tunnel Closure Request

    • Art Activation “Resurgens Requiem,” featuring the Spelman College Glee Club + Krog Codex Presentation

  3. Historic Preservation & Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

  4. ~ 7:45pm Adjourn

January 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON) - SPECIAL MEETING
Community Center: 177 Estoria St.


  1. CI & CNIA Introductions

  2. Community Center Updates

    1. Discuss community storage for props, materials, and kitchen items.

  3. Calendar Planning for 2024 - Interactive

    1. Committees should come prepared.

    2. Interested volunteers should attend to meet Committee Chairs and other volunteers.

  4. 8:30pm Adjourn

November 14th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)


  1. Review and Approval of October Minutes

  2. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  3. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

    • Pearl Street Traffic Calming Project Updates

    • City Updates

  4. Vice-President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

    • Transportation Committee Updates + Tye Stop Sign

    • CNIA Membership Campaign: Open Positions include Communications Chair, Transportation Committee Chair, and other Member At-Large positions. 

    • New Neighbor? Get connected, 

  5. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  6. Committee Reports

    • Upcoming C-Town Events - Amanda Bisgaard, Hospitality Chair

      • Holiday Crawl

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Todd Gandee, CI President

      • CI Updates - Parks & Community Center

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

  7. New Business

  8. Old Business

October 10th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)


  1. Review and Approval of September Minutes

  2. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  3. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

    • Pearl Street Traffic Calming Project Updates

    • City Updates

  4. Vice-President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

    • Transportation Committee Updates

    • CNIA Membership Campaign: Open Positions include Communications Chair, Transportation Committee Chair, and other Member At-Large positions. 

    • New Neighbor? Get connected, 

  5. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

    • Crawl-O-Ween Funding Request

  6. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Todd Gandee, CI President

      • Our 20th Chomp & Stomp!- Lauren Appel, Co-Chair

      • CI Updates - Parks & Community Center

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

    • Upcoming C-Town Events - Amanda Bisgaard, Hospitality Chair

      • Final Movie Night in the Park

      • Crawl-O-Ween

      • Holiday Crawl

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

      • Historic Preservation Studio x HPLU Working Together

      • 135 Pearl Street Hearing

  7. New Business

  8. Old Business

September 13th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)


  1. Review and Approval of August Minutes

  2. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  3. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

    • Pearl Street Traffic Calming Project Updates

    • Dekalb Ave Resurfacing Updates

    • City Updates

  4. Vice-President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

    • Invest Atlanta’s Owner-Occupied Rehab Program

    • CNIA Membership Campaign: Open Positions include Communications Chair, Transportation Committee Chair, and other Member At-Large positions. 

    • New Neighbor? Get connected, 

  5. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  6. Committee Reports

    • Upcoming C-Town Events - Amanda Bisgaard, Hospitality Chair

      • Tour of Homes 2023 - Seeking Volunteers. Get your tickets!

      • New Neighbor Party - September 22nd

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

      • Special Meeting: Atlanta Preservation Center Amicus Brief Result & Update

      • 677 Gaskill Design Proposal [Vote]

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Todd Gandee, CI President

      • CI Updates - Parks & Community Center

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

      • Chomp & Stomp - Lauren Appel, Co-Chair

  7. New Business

  8. Old Business

August 23rd, 2023 at 4:30 PM (Zoom)

Zoom Link:

A special meeting is called to discuss a vote to support the Atlanta Preservation Center’s Amicus Brief in response to their lawsuit with the City of Atlanta’s Urban Design Commission and the precedent it may set for all historic communities, like Cabbagetown.
1. Discuss the Amicus Brief, HPLU Synopsis presentation
2. Arguments
3. Vote
4. Close

August 08th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center, 177 Estoria St.
Zoom will be unavailable

6:30 PM Social Happy ½ Hour - Food, Drinks, & Community

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome!

  2. Review and Approval of June Minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  4. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

    • Carroll Street Closure Updates

    • Dekalb Ave Resurfacing Updates

    • City Updates

  5. Vice-President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

    • Carroll Street One-Week Closure - Takeaways

    • CSX Letter - Proposed Hulsey Yard Mast

    • CNIA Membership Campaign: Open Positions include Communications Chair, Transportation Committee Chair, and other Member At-Large positions. 

    • New Neighbor? Get connected, 

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • Upcoming C-Town Events - Amanda Bisgaard, Hospitality Chair

      • Tour of Homes 2023 - Seeking Homes & Volunteers. Get your tickets!

      • New Neighbor Party - TBA

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

      • Inman Park Suit against the City - Historic Preservation Concerns

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Todd Gandee, CI President

      • CI Updates - Parks & Community Center

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

      • Chomp & Stomp - Lauren Appel, Co-Chair

  8. New Business

  9. Old Business

July 11th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Art Center, 230 Carroll Street. Zoom will be unavailable.

6:30 PM Social Happy ½ Hour - Food, Drinks, & Community

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome!

  2. Review and Approval of June Minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  4. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

    • COA Budget & Other Updates

    • Carroll Street Closure Updates

    • Dekalb Ave Resurfacing Updates

  5. Vice-President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

    • Carroll Street One-Week Closure - Working Groups: Seeking Volunteers!

    • CNIA Membership Campaign: Open Positions include Communications Chair, Transportation Committee Chair, and other Member At-Large positions. 

    • New Neighbor? Get connected, 

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • Upcoming C-Town Events - Amanda Bisgaard, Hospitality Chair

      • Tour of Homes 2023 - Seeking Homes

      • Forward Warrior 2023 - Seeking Interns

      • Stacks Squares, Round 12 - Taking Applications

    • NPU-N Updates - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas/Anya Warren, Co-Chairs

      • CSX Proposed Hulsey Yard Mast - Public Comments Submitted

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Todd Gandee, CI President

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

      • Chomp & Stomp - Lauren Appel, Co-Chair

  8. New Business

  9. Old Business

June 13th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom. Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

6:30 PM Social Happy ½ Hour

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome!

  2. Review and Approval of May Minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department Updates

  4. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

    • Carroll Street Closure Proposal

    • Dekalb Ave Resurfacing Updates

    • DRIVE Funding Updates

  5. Vice-President Report - Marinangeles Gutierrez

    • CNIA Membership Campaign: Open Positions include Communications Chair, HPLU Vice Chair, Transportation Committee Chair, and other Member At-Large positions. 

    • New Neighbor? Get connected, 

    • Seeking Recommendations: New structure for CNIA meetings.. 

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • Hospitality/Events - Amanda Bisgaard

    • NPU-N Cabbagetown Representative - John Dirga

    • Forward Warrior 2023 - John Dirga

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas

      • Updates on the communications installations "Zayo" patches on neighborhood streets and sidewalks.

      • CSX Proposed Hulsey Yard Mast - Opportunity for Public Comment through June 26. 

    • Cabbagetown Initiative (CI)- Todd Gandee, CI President

      • Seeking Volunteers/New Members

  8. New Business

  9. Old Business

May 9th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

6:30 PM Social Happy ½ Hour

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and Announcements by Vice President Marina Gutierrez

    • New neighbor?

    • Open Positions

      • Communications

      • Transportation Representative

      • Safety

      • President

  2. Review and Approval of April Minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • Hospitality Amanda Bisgaard

    • Transportation Committee - Marina Gutierrez

      • Presentation on projects for City funding consideration.

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU Cabbagetown Representative - John Dirga

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee Co-Chairs - Naomi Siodmok and Jacob Elsas

      • 722 Gaskill

    • Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

  8. New Business

  9. Old Business

April 11th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

6:30 PM Social Happy ½ Hour

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and Announcements by Vice President Marina Gutierrez

    • New neighbor?

    • Open Positions

      • Security Representative

      • Communications

      • Traffic Representative

  2. Review and Approval of March Minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta Council Person - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • Chicken Noodle Network

    • Hospitality Amanda Bisgaard

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU Cabbagetown Representative - John Dirga

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee Co-Chairs - Naomi Siodmok and Jacob Elsas

      • 181 Pearl Street

      • 171 Powell Street

    • Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

  8. New Business

  9. Old Business

  10. 8:35 Adjourn

March 14th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

6:30 PM Social Happy ½ Hour

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and Announcements

    • Hospitality Chair: Amanda Bisgaard welcomes new neighbors -

  2. Review and Approval of February Minutes

    • Vice President - Marinangeles Gutiérrez Rivera Membership Drive

      Open Positions 

      • President 

      • Secretary 

      • Communications

      • Ad-Hoc positions Public Safety Chair/Transportation Committee Representative/Film Liaison 

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

    • Prom March 4th / Neighborhood Yard Sale March 18th

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

      • Approval of the 2023 CI Budget

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU Cabbagetown Representative - John Dirga

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee Co-Chairs - Naomi Siodmok and Jacob Elsas

      • 768 Kirkwood Avenue

  8. New Business

    • Cabbagetown Olympics

  9. Old Business

  10. 8:35 Adjourn

WEDNESDAY, February 15th, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome from Hospitality committee members Stephanie Z and Amanda Bisgaard. Who wants free Pizza! Come early 6:30-ish for some community!

  2. New Neighbor Sign-up: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  3. Open Positions

    • Vice President

    • Communication Chair

    • Cabbagetown/Reynoldstown Transportation Committee Representative

    • Secretary

  4. Review and approval of the January minutes

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Atlanta Police Department

  7. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  8. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  9. Committee Reports

    1. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Jacob Elsas and Naomi Siodmok

      • Subarea 4 Master Plan (BeltLine)

    2. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    3. Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

    4. Cabbagetown/Reynoldstown Transportation Committee

      • Wylie Traffic Calming Map and Parking Restrictions

    5. Film Liaison Committee- Kellie Wellborn

    6. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

  10. New Business

  11. Old Business

  12. 8:35 Adjourn

January 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome from Hospitality committee members Stephanie Z and Amanda Bisgaard. Who wants free Pizza! Come early 6:30-ish for some community!

  2. New Neighbor Sign-up: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  3. Open Positions

    • Vice President

    • President

    • Communication Chair

    • Secretary

  4. Review and approval of the December minutes

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Atlanta Police Department

  7. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  8. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  9. Subarea 4 Master Plan - Lynnette Reid

  10. Committee Reports

    1. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    2. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    3. Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

    4. Cabbagetown/Reynoldstown Transportation Committee - Stephanie DowdaMer

    5. Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Christina Sines

    6. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

  11. New Business

  12. Old Business

  13. 8:35 Adjourn

December 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Meeting to be held virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

7:00 Meeting begins


  2. New Neighbor Sign-up: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  3. Open Positions

    • Vice President

    • President

    • Communication Back up Chair

  4. Review and approval of the November minutes

  5. Atlanta Police Department

  6. City of Atlanta - Councilmember Liliana Bakhtiari

  7. Special Election - Interim HPLU Chair

  8. Historic Preservation & Land Use - 768 Kirkwood

  9. Liquor License & Community Agreement (97 Estoria)

  10. NPU - Grant update

November 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome from Hospitality committee members Stephanie Z and Amanda Bisgaard. Who wants free Pizza! Come early 6:30-ish for some community!

  2. New Neighbor Sign-up: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  3. Open Positions

    • Vice President

    • President

    • Communication Back up Chair

  4. Review and approval of the October minutes

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Atlanta Police Department

  7. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  8. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  9. Committee Reports

    1. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    2. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    3. Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

    4. Cabbagetown/Reynoldstown Transportation Committee - Stephanie DowdaMer

    5. Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Christina Sines

    6. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

  10. New Business

  11. Old Business

  12. 8:35 Adjourn

October 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome from Hospitality committee members Stephanie Z and Amanda Bisgaard. Who wants free Pizza!

  2. New Neighbor Sign-up: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  3. Open Positions

    • Secretary

    • Vice President

    • President

    • Communication Back up Chair

  4. Review and approval of the September minutes

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Atlanta Police Department

  7. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  8. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  9. Committee Reports

    1. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    2. Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

    3. Cabbagetown/Reynoldstown Transportation Committee - Stephanie DowdaMer

      • Wylie Traffic Calming Map and Parking Restrictions

    4. Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Christina Sines

    5. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    6. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

  10. New Business

  11. Old Business

  12. 8:35 Adjourn

September 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person at the Cabbagetown Community Center and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

  2. Open Positions

    1. Secretary

    2. Vice President

    3. President

    4. Communication Back up Chair

  3. Review and approval of the August minutes

  4. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  5. Atlanta Police Department

  6. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  7. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  8. Committee Reports

    1. Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

    2. Reynoldstown Transportation Committee - Stephanie DowdaMer

    3. Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Christina Sines

    4. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    5. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    6. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

  9. New Business

  10. Old Business

    8:35 Adjourn

August 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM (IN PERSON)

Meeting to be held in-person and virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements - Welcome from Hospitality Committee members Stephanie Z and Amanda Bisgaard. FREE PIZZA!

    1. New neighbor?

    2. Tour of Homes and Gardens needs you! Go to today.

  2. Open Positions

    1. Secretary

    2. Vice President

    3. President

    4. Communication Back up Chair

  3. Review and approval of the July minutes

  4. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  5. Atlanta Police Department

  6. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  7. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  8. Committee Reports

    1. Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

    2. Reynoldstown Transportation Committee - Stephanie DowdaMer

    3. Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Christina Sines

    4. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    5. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    6. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

  9. New Business

  10. Old Business

  11. 8:35 Adjourn

July 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

  2. Open Positions

    1. Secretary

    2. Vice President

    3. President

    4. Communication Back up Chair

  3. Review and approval of the June minutes

  4. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  5. Atlanta Police Department

  6. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  7. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  8. Committee Reports

    1. Cabbagetown Initiative - Todd Gandee, CI President

    2. Reynoldstown Transportation Committee - Stephanie DowdaMer

    3. Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Christina Sines

    4. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    5. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    6. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

  9. Colgate Proposal

  10. New Business

  11. Old Business

  12. 8:35 Adjourn

June 14, 2022 at 7:00pm (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

    2. Open Positions

      1. Secretary

      2. Vice President

      3. President

      4. Communication Back up Chair

  2. Review and approval of the May minutes

  3. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  4. Atlanta Police Department

  5. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    1. Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President

    2. Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Stephanie DowdaMer

    3. Film Liaison Committee- Kellie Wellborn, Christina Sines

    4. Communications Chair-Naomi Siodmok

    5. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    6. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair

      a. 228 Powell

      b. 199 Powell

  8. New Business

  9. Old Business

  10. 8:35 Adjourn

May 10, 2022 at 7:00pm (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

    2. Open Positions

      1. Secretary

      2. Vice President

      3. President

      4. Communication Back up Chair

  2. Review and approval of the April minutes

  3. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  4. Atlanta Police Department

  5. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    1. Colgate Report

    2. BeltLine Rail Now-Matthew Roe

    3. Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President Cabbagetown/

    4. Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Stephanie DowdaMer

    5. Film Liaison Committee- Kellie Wellborn, Christina Sines

    6. Communications Chair-Naomi Siodmok

    7. NPU—John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    8. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair

      1.       692 Kirkwood- porch roof addition

      2.       97 Estoria-variance for parking

  8. New Business

  9. Old Business

  10. 8:35 Adjourn

April 12, 2022 at 7:00pm (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

    2. Open Positions

      1. Secretary

      2. Vice President

      3. Communication Back up Chair

  2. Review and approval of the March minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  5. Introduction - Phil Olaleye, Candidate HD59

  6. Subarea 4  Update - Nathan Soldat Senior Community Engagement Manager From Atlanta Beltline

  7. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  8. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  9. Committee Reports

    • Chicken Noodle Network

    • Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Christine Sines

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair 723 Pearl Street

    • Cabbagetown Initiative -Todd Gandee, CI President

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee, Stephanie Dowda DeMer

    • NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

  10. New Business

  11. Old Business

 8:35 Adjourn

March 8, 2022 at 7:00pm (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

    2. Open Positions

      1. Secretary

      2. Vice President

      3. Communication Back up Chair

  2. Review and approval of the February minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Council Person Liliana Bakhtiari

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

    • Approval of 2022 CNIA Budget

  7. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee Chair - Stephanie Dowda DeMer

    • Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Brandi Unger and Amber Brannon

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

    • Cabbagetown Initiative -Todd Gandee, CI President Approval of CICDC Budget

  8. New Business

  9. Old Business

 8:35 Adjourn

February 8, 2022 at 7:00pm (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

    2. Open Positions

      1. Secretary

      2. Vice President

      3. Communication Back up Chair

  2. Review and approval of the January minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Valencia Hudson

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee Chair - Stephanie Dowda DeMer

    • Film Liaison Committee - Kellie Wellborn, Brandi Unger and Amber Brannon

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU—John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

    • Cabbagetown Initiative -Todd Gandee, CI President

  8. New Business

    • Proposed Charter School Presentation - Josh Pinto Taylor, Ed D.

  9. Old Business

 8:35 Adjourn

January 11, 2022 at 7:00pm (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

    2. Open Positions

      1. Secretary

      2. Vice President

      3. Film Liaison Chair

      4. Hospitality Back Up Chair

      5. Communication Back up Chair

  2. Review and approval of the December minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    1. Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee - Genevieve Barber, Chair

    2. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    3. NPU—John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    4. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

  8. Cabbagetown Initiative -Todd Gandee, CI President

  9. New Business

    1. Day of Service in Oakland Cemetery

  10. Old Business

 8:35 Adjourn

December 14, 2021 at 7:00pm (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

    1. New neighbor?

    2. Open Positions

      1. Secretary

      2. Vice President

      3. Film Liaison Chair

      4. Hospitality Back Up Chair

      5. Communication Back up Chair

  2. Review and approval of the November minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta

  5. President Report-Alicia Thompson Crawl Success

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    1. Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee - Genevieve Barber, Chair

    2. Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    3. NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    4. Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee - Nicole Seekely, Chair

    5. Cabbagetown Initiative -Todd Gandee, CI President

  8. New Business

    1. “Sophie Scholl Mural” – Oliver Gorf, Goeth-Zentrum

    2. Day of Service in Oakland Cemetery

  9. Old Business

 8:35 Adjourn

November 9, 2021 at 7:00 PM (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

  2. Review and approval of the August Minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Valencia Hudson

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • 209 Powell St - Solar Panels - The panels are not visible from the public right of way.*

      0 Estoria St - Lot Subdivision - The UDC staff has recommended approval. The replatting would be consistent with other houses on the blockface and a compliant shotgun structure could easily be built meeting design regulations.

    • Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President

  8. New Business

    • CNIA Open Board Positions - Vice President, Help for Communications, and HPLU Chair

  9. Old Business

8:35 Adjourn

October 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

  2. Review and approval of the September’s minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Valencia Hudson

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

    Updated Budget

  7. Guest Speaker - Lauren Appell, to discuss Chomp Safety Measures

  8. Guest Speaker - Brad Cunnard, to share his vision for the lot next to Littles

  9. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Genevieve Barber, Chair

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair

      • 739 Kirkwood Avenue - Exterior Alterations

    • Chomp Update - Lauren Appel

    • Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President

  10. New Business

    • CNIA Open Board Positions - Vice President, Help for Communications, and HPLU Chair

  11. Old Business

8:35 Adjourn

September 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins

  1. Welcome and announcements

  2. Review and approval of the August's minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Valencia Hudson

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

    September Budget Update

  7. Guest Speaker Ed Caddell presentation on Subarea 4 Master Plan Update

  8. Committee Reports

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Genevieve Barber, Chair

    • NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair

      • 739 Kirkwood Avenue - Exterior Alterations

    • Chomp Update - Lauren Appel

    • Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President

  9. New Business

    • Leave your mark (CNIA participation/education with Forward Warrior!)

    • CNIA Open Board Positions - Vice President, Help for Communications, and HPLU Chair

  10. Old Business

8:35 Adjourn

August 10, 2021 at 7:00 PM (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins - Agenda PDF

  1. Welcome and announcements

  2. Review and approval of the July’s minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Valencia Hudson

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

    August Budget Update

  7. Committee Reports

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Genevieve Barber, Chair

    • NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair

    • Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President

    • Chomp Update - Lauren Appel

  8. New Business

    • Garden Party Planning during Forward Warrior

    • CNIA Open Board Positions - Help for Communications and Hospitality Committees.

  9. Old Business

8:35 Adjourn

July 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM (ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at virtually via Zoom.

Login here - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins - Agenda PDF

  1. Welcome and announcements

  2. Review and approval of the June’s minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta - Valencia Hudson

  5. President Report - Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

    July Budget Update

  7. Guest Speaker - Doug Williams, Running for Atlanta City Council

  8. Committee Reports

    • Communications Chair - Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU - John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Genevieve Barber, Chair

    • Chomp Update - Lauren Appel

    • Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair

  9. New Business

    • Garden Party Planning during Forward Warrior

    • CNIA Open Board Positions - Help for Communications and Hospitality Committees.

  10. Old Business

8:35 Adjourn

June 7, 2021 at 7:00 PM (IN-PERSON & ONLINE MEETING)

Meeting to be held at the Cabbagetown Community Center

We will still use the Zoom application as well: - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

7:00 Meeting begins - Agenda PDF

  1. Welcome and announcements

  2. Review and approval of the Mays minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta—Valencia Hudson

  5. President Report-Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

  7. Committee Reports

    • Communications Chair-Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU—John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Genevieve Barber, Chair

    • Chomp Update - Lauren Appel

    • Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair

  8. New Business

    • Garden Party Planning during Forward Warrior

    • CNIA Open Board Positions - Vice President, and HPLU Chair. Help for Communications and Hospitality Committees.

  9. Old Business

8:35 Adjourn

May 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM (ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Login here: - Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874 - Agenda

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  1. Welcome and announcements

  2. Review and approval of the April minutes

  3. Atlanta Police Department

  4. City of Atlanta—Valencia Hudson

  5. President Report-Alicia Thompson

  6. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

    May Budget Update

  7. PAD Speaker-Clara Green - PAD Overview and PAD FAQs

  8. Atlanta City Council Nominee- Brandon Goldberg

  9. Committee Reports

    • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Genevieve Barber, Chair

    • Communications Chair-Naomi Siodmok

    • NPU—John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative

    • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair 1.

      • 186 Powell - New Construction Home

    • Chomp Update - Lauren Appel

    • Cabbagetown Initiative—Todd Gandee, CI President

  10. New Business

    • Cabbagetown Reunion Planning-Volunteers and CDC Protocols

    • CNIA Open Board Positions - Vice President, Communications help, HPLU Chair

  11. Old Business

8:35 Adjourn

April 13, 2021 (Tues. 4/13/21: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  1. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  2. 7:00 Meeting begins

    1. Welcome and announcements

      • New neighbor?

    2. Review and approval of the March minutes 

    3. Atlanta Police Department

    4. City of Atlanta—Valencia Hudson 

    5. Financial Report - Jack Cunningham, Treasurer

      CNIA April 2021 Budget

    6. Committee Reports

      • NPU—John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative 

      • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee- Nicole Seekely, Chair

        1. 176 powell, type ii

        2. 186 powell, type iii new construction

        3. Milltown, type iii window modifications

      • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Genevieve Barber, Chair 

      • Cabbagetown Initiative—Kendall Rawls, CI President

        • CI 2021 Budget Approval

    7. Old Business 

    8. New Business

      • CNIA Board Election - Vice President, Communications Chair, HPLU Chair

      • Chomp Update - Lauren Appel

    8:35 Adjourn

March 9, 2021 (Tues. 3/9/21: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  1. Meeting Agenda:


    7:00 Meeting begins

    1. Welcome and announcements

      • New neighbor?

    2. Review and approval of the December minutes 

    3. Atlanta Police Department

    4. City of Atlanta—Valencia Hudson 

    5. Financial Report - Saundra Reuppel, Treasurer

    6. Committee Reports

      • NPU—John Dirga, Cabbagetown Representative 

      • Historic Preservation and Land Use Committee-Nicole Seekely, Chair

        1. 186 Powell St - Type III CoA for New Construction SFH

      • Cabbagetown-Reynoldstown Transportation Committee-Genevieve Barber, Chair 

      • Cabbagetown Initiative—Kendall Rawls, CI President

    7. Old Business 

    8. New Business

      • CNIA Board Election

    8:35 Adjourn

February 2021 (Tues. 2/9/21: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  1. Meeting Agenda: tba

  2. CNIA Budget: 2020 Final, February 2021, March 2021

  3. Short-Term Rentals (proposed legislation & hearing schedule)

2016 Comprehensive Development Plan - excerpt

January 2021 (Tues. 1/12/21: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget: Click here for .PDF

  4. Imagine Memorial - - CDP Map

  5. CLEAR Proposal (via Midtown)

December 2020 (Tues. 12/8/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget: Click here for .PDF

November 2020 (Tues. 11/10/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 956 5703 9874

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget: Click here for .PDF

October 2020 (Tues. 10/13/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 760 887 748

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget, October 2020 Click here for .PDF

September 2020 (Tues. 9/8/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 56 5703 9874

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget, September 2020

August 2020 (Tues. 8/11/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 760 887 748

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget, July 2020: Click here for .PDF

July 2020 (Tues. 7/14/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING with RESCHEDULED Board Elections!!!)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the JULY 2020 CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 760 887 748

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. In order to nominate & vote in JULY 2020 Board elections, you must fill out a Membership Form

  3. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  4. CNIA Budget, July 2020: Click here for .PDF

June 2020 (Tues. 6/16/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING with Board Elections!!!)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the June 2020 CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 760 887 748

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. In order to nominate & vote in June 2020 Board elections, you must fill out a Membership Form

  3. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  4. CNIA Budget, June 2020: Click here for .PDF

May 2020 (Tues. 5/12/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the May 2020 CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 226 638 465

 Or, call in via phone: (929)205-6099 US (New York)

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. In order to nominate & vote in June 2020 Board elections, you must fill out a Membership Form

  3. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  4. CNIA Budget, May 2020: Click here for .PDF

April 2020 (Tues. 4/14/20: ONLINE-ONLY MEETING)

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the April 2020 CNIA meeting will be exclusively online.

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 226 638 465

Or, call in via phone: +19292056099 US (New York) 

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget, April 2020: Click here for .PDF

  4. Historic Preservation Items:

    1. 217 Berean Ave - Skylight Addition

March 2020

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget, March 2020: Click here for .PDF

February 2020

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

January 2020

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget: Jan 2020

  4. Historic Preservation and Land Use Presentations:

    1. 136 Estoria St - Type III CoA - Addition & Alterations

  5. Oakland Cemetery Presentation

October 2019

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. CNIA Budget: October 2019

  4. Historic Preservation and Land Use Presentations:

    712 Kirkwood Ave - Type III Certificate- Rear Addition

    254 Berean Ave - Solar Panel Addition

  5. Chomp and Stomp 2019: Volunteer Signup (Click here to signup!)

    • Need volunteers for day of event (Sat. 11/2/19)

    • Need volunteers to hang flyers before event (contact

  6. Transportation Committee:

August 2019

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. Historic Preservation and Land Use Presentations:

    1. 650 Gaskill (Subdivision, Alterations, New Construction) - Click for Drawings

    2. 712 Kirkwood (Rear Addition) - Click for Drawings

  4. Wylie Street Landscaping

    1. Wylie Street 2014 Google Street View (Historial reference; .zip file)

    2. 2019-2020 Landscaping Plan (Visual highlights and street map)

    3. 2019-2020 Landscaping Replacement Proposal (Plant and grass examples)

  5. Cabbagetown T-Shirts

    1. Retail Price Comparison (.zip file)

    2. Velocity Printing Estimate

    3. T-Shirt Reseller Tax Exemption Form

July 2019

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. Monthly Budget: Click here for .PDF

  4. John Dirga & Wallkeepers Landscaping Proposal: Click here for .PDF

June 2019

  1. Attention New Neighbors: Please fill out the Online Membership Form

  2. Meeting Agenda: Click here for .PDF

  3. Paul Meyer Bench Proposal: Click here for .PDF

Questions? Please contact us.