NEW! 2025 Community Garden Honey Jars (2024 Harvest)
NEW! 2025 Community Garden Honey Jars (2024 Harvest)
Many people do not know that the Cabbagetown Community Garden is also home to several thousand buzzy ladies!
Our resident honeybee hive is maintained and cared for by The Little Bee Project and produces gallons of honey from the local flora each year. This year was our largest honey haul in the history of the garden!
Steve Esau and The Little Bee Project started out in 2011 in East Atlanta. Since then, Esau’s small backyard project has grown into numerous beehives around North Georgia. Cabbagetown’s beehive is #162.
Each bottle contains 16oz. of organically grown and harvested honey directly from the beehive in the Cabbagetown Community Garden. For 2023, you now have a choice of a plastic or glass jar (please see the reference photos.) 100% of the money from this sale goes directly back into the Community Garden general fund.
For more information, please visit The Community Garden Page or email
Little Bee Project No. 162 - Cabbagetown Community Garden
This is a one-time limited release honey unique to Cabbagetown, and urban Atlanta. The worker bees from each hive located in apiary No. 162 gather nectar from the area surrounding The Cabbagetown Community Garden.
Tulip, poplar, black locust, privet and wild blackberries in the spring to the clover patches, garden flowers and vegetables plots in the summer - The variety of nectar sources gives No. 162 a flavor that is as diverse as the neighborhood where it is produced.